Community News
Complete Dental Care

Taking care of their patients’ teeth for life is important at the Westshore Dental Centre. The dental practice is devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile. They offer a broad range of services, including: *Routine family dental care including cleaning, *Cosmetic dentistry, *Zoom!®/Sapphire™ bleaching and *One-appointment Crowns. For the comfort of their patients, they offer oral or IV sedation and a TV on the ceiling. Understanding that some patients may feel uneasy about their dental visits, the entire team is dedicated to providing excellent, personalized care and service to make your visits as comfortable and pleasant as possible.

Computer Vision Syndrome Relief

This syndrome (CVS) causes eye issues from the use of computers and other digital devices. Painful symptoms include *Eye irritation, *Blurred vision, *Headaches and *Muscle fatigue. Luckily, CVS is not permanent but it can affect your quality of life. To help alleviate CVS, rest your eyes at least 15 minutes after every 2 hours of computer use. Every 20 minutes, look into the distance at least 20 feet away from the computer or digital device. You are more likely to have CVS if you have other eye issues, if you need glasses or if you wear the wrong prescription for computer use. We can help.

Senior Brain Health

It’s important for people of all ages to keep their brains healthy with regular workouts, but especially so for seniors. Here are five ways you can keep your mind sharp as you age: 1) Play a game. Try a sudoku, crossword, or jigsaw puzzle, or play a game of cards with friends. 2) Get moving. Regular exercise increases blood flow to your brain and increases neurons. 3) Listen to or play music. Science shows that music is a great brain booster. 4) Eat right. A diet rich in healthy fats is crucial for cognitive health. 5) Learn something new. Keep your mind engaged!

May is a Great Time to Clean

May is a great time to spring clean your home and spruce up your exercise and eating habits. We welcome you to check out the Wellness Hub, our local, online Health and Wellness resource. The Wellness Hub features hundreds of health tips and articles on a variety of health and wellness topics along with a directory of hundreds of local businesses and practitioners offering services and products. It is easy to search, access and share information. While you are checking out the Wellness Hub, don’t forget to enter the May Contest for a chance to win Baseball Tickets.

Keep Gambling in Check

Have you heard of Canada’s Low-Risk Gambling Guidelines? They recommend keeping it under 1% of gross household income, four days/month or less and only two types of gambling. Also, consider the following which can increase your risk of developing a gambling problem: 1) If you struggle with mental health and addictions issues or have experienced gambling problems in your family, 2) If you are drawn to fast-paced games that involve frequent betting like slot machines, in-game sports betting, or many online forms of gambling, and/or 3) you’re playing for escapism or to make money. Check out #LRGG.

What’s in Your Smoothie?

Move over, goji berries: there’s a new superfood in town. Meet the Aronia berry! Aronia berries have outstanding nutritional and pharmacological properties which have been well documented. They contain high levels of antioxidants which research has shown helps in fighting cancer, reduces inflammation, and helps to reduce blood glucose in diabetics. In the spectrum of nutrition, berries rank near the top, and among berries, none are more nutritious than the Aronia berry. Aronia berries contain five times the antioxidant level of goji berries with no bitter aftertaste.

Boost Well-being with Fresh Air & Exercise

One of the best things about living on Vancouver Island is having nature right in our backyard. With summer just around the corner, it is a great time to take advantage of everything our island has to offer. Whether it is just a walk around the block or a hike up a mountain, the fresh air and exercise boost our well-being. So lace up your shoes and wear VoxxLife socks with HPT for enhanced balance and stability. Additional benefits include; enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain and improved mobility.

Can You Do a Pelvic Tilt?

When people try to do a pelvic tilt, they usually 1) try to suck their abs in like a posing bodybuilder, (2) push their back out like a Halloween cat silhouette, or (3) squeeze their bum forward like a scared dog. Do any of these moves sound athletic? The majority of people cannot perform or sustain a pelvic tilt properly. If you can’t tilt your pelvis, you can become constipated, lose range of hip and shoulder mobility, get bunions (they are not genetic!), lose bladder control, and no matter how many ab exercises you do, your belly will not get smaller. I can help.

Rewrite the Software of your Mind

If you were to create your life today, what would you change? Would you like better health, more loving relationships or more purpose and meaning in life? Almost everything we do is based on our beliefs in the subconscious mind, because we operate about 95% of our lives from the subconscious programming. PSYCH-K® is a fast and painless way to rewrite limiting beliefs or the perception of trauma in the subconscious mind. Based on years of research and thousands of sessions with individuals and groups it is a simple and direct way to “update” the programming in the subconscious mind with the help of kinesiology.

Do You Grind Your Teeth?

Bruxism, better known as teeth grinding, can be caused by stress and anxiety, an abnormal bite, missing and crooked teeth, or it can be due to sleep disorder. When under stress, many people find themselves grinding their teeth or clenching their jaws during sleep. Over time, bruxism may lead to symptoms such as dull headaches or a sore jaw. Severe grinding can lead to painful, loose teeth or fractures in your teeth. Consult your dentist to determine if you have a problem. You may need a mouth guard to protect your teeth during sleep.

Fall Prevention Devices

As we get older, we are more prone to falls that can result in severe injuries and broken bones. There are many fall prevention devices available to make it safer in and out of the home. These include: *A Security Pole & Curve Bar that offers a 2-in-1 safety solution. It combines a rotating grab bar with a transfer pole for ultimate fall protection. *A portable Handy Handle that helps you assist your loved ones to stand up safely. *The PT Bedcane that provides balance and support when getting out of bed. Let us help you find the right fall prevention products for you.