“How much preparation is needed to sell?” You will want to minimize clutter, so now’s the time to start giving away unused items or selling or donating them to charities. Determine if any repairs are needed around your property, especially if there are any safety hazards needing attention. We can help with that. Ensure the house is tidy, so consider hiring a professional cleaner. Some rooms may need to be “staged” for maximum presentation in order to achieve top dollar.
Benefits of Counselling in Senior Years
Many seniors are now recognizing the importance of mental health and seeking support with the emotional challenges that often come with aging. Concerns such as changes in living arrangements, financial stability, health issues, and loss of loved ones can trigger feelings of grief, regret, depression, or anxiety. Counselling can offer a safe space to express emotions, gain new perspectives, and develop coping strategies. Through therapy, seniors can also explore ways to create a sense of purpose, find meaning in their experiences, and redefine what quality of life means to them now.
Make Fall Prevention a Priority
With colder weather comes slippery sidewalks. Falls prevention is key to maintaining health and longevity. Keep your body active to keep your balance. Take a look at your rugs, flooring, lights and stairs. If the rug is curling, fix it or get rid of it! If the lighting is poor, install higher-wattage bulbs. If the stairs are not safe, install a railing or look into a stair lift. Monitor blood pressure, stay hydrated and take medications as directed. When venturing outside, be sure to wear sturdy, well-fitting footwear. Prevention is always better than recovery. Contack Comfort Keepers today; we can help!
Take Care of Your Feet
Many of us neglect two of the most important body parts, our feet! Take good care of your feet by following these tips: *Wear shoes that are the proper size to prevent foot problems such as ingrown toenails or hammer toes. *Trim your toenails regularly. When trimming toenails, cut straight across to avoid cutting them too short to help prevent ingrown toenails. *Use a good foot cream to help prevent dry, cracked skin. *Consult a medical professional if you suffer from ingrown toenails, sores, calluses, or blisters. Taking care of your feet will help keep you independent, active, and mobile.
Traveling with dentures?
Stay confident and comfortable with these simple tips! *Pack a denture care kit with adhesive, cleanser, and a storage case. *Keep your dentures moist on long flights and use bottled water for cleaning while abroad. *Be mindful of new foods and carry extra adhesive to ensure a secure fit. *Stay hydrated to prevent dry mouth, and always keep your dentures in your carry-on for easy access. For added peace of mind, visit your denturist before your trip for a quick check-up. Travel worry-free and enjoy every moment with a smile that’s ready for anything!
November Brain Teasers Answers
1. Morning & Night. 2. The future. 3. Your name
Recognize Hearing Loss Signs
October is National Protect Your Hearing Month, a perfect time to recognize signs of hearing loss. Keep an eye out for these warning signs: frequently asking others to repeat themselves, needing to turn up the TV or radio volume, or experiencing persistent ringing in your ears. Difficulty understanding conversations in noisy environments, missing everyday sounds, or having trouble hearing when your back is turned to someone are also key indicators. Speaking too loudly or finding phone conversations challenging may also signal hearing issues. Early detection is crucial for better outcomes, so prioritize your hearing health this month and schedule a free assessment with your local Beltone clinic.
Gratitude is Very Powerful
Thanksgiving is a great time to practice gratitude, a high vibrational frequency. When you are grateful, you attract higher positive energies. Try writing in a gratitude journal every day to attract these energies. List all the things that happened during the day that you are grateful for. Gratitude is connected with greater happiness; it helps people feel positive emotions and improves health. As a Certified Body/Emotion Code Practitioner, Permelia can help you release unprocessed negative (trapped) emotions that will assist you in being grateful and will help you attract even more positive energy. Contact her for an appointment today.
The Power of Gratitude in Healthy Aging
Gratitude is a powerful tool with transformative effects on mental health and overall well-being, especially for seniors. In later years, aging can be a time of fulfillment and joy, and practicing gratitude may be key to unlocking these enriching experiences. Beyond boosting emotional well-being, gratitude also supports physical health by improving sleep quality and reducing stress and depression. Taking a moment each day to appreciate even the smallest joys can lower the risk of heart attack, angina, and stroke, help manage arthritic pain, and reduce frailty in older adults.
Stress-Free Moving
“Home is where the heart is…even if you can’t remember which box you packed it in!”
We can relate to the stress of moving. Not only does it mean uprooting your life, but if the move is to a smaller residence, a huge part of the work is downsizing a ton of possessions that have accumulated for years, perhaps even a lifetime. If you need to move, and just thinking about it keeps you up at nights, our team will take a mountain of anxiety off your shoulders and get all of it done for you; professionally, safely, and quickly.
Join the WellnessHub Today
Are you a health care practitioner? Do you have a health and wellness business? If so, you want to get a listing on the WellnessHub – Basic listings are FREE. The WellnessHub is Vancouver Island’s local online health and wellness resource. It features practitioners, businesses, health tips, a monthly contest and much more. Monthly memberships are available for people who want extra exposure. The WellnessHub is supported in print, social media, radio and more. We work with you to get your message out to your potential customers. The Hub attracts thousands of local visitors every month.