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A Soulful Mexican Yoga Retreat. Experience a transformative retreat at Copal House Retreat’s ocean-front villa in the Riviera Maya, featuring panoramic Caribbean views from our rooftop studio. Deepen your yoga practice amidst stunning cenotes and ocean breezes. Included: health and wellness-focused welcoming ceremony, accommodations, meals for any dietary restrictions, 2 daily yoga/meditation sessions, one-hour therapeutic massage, bikes, paddleboards, snorkeling gear, travel assistance, and several excursions. To Enter -> Explore Copal Retreat ->

Essential Summer Home Care

Home care during the summer months is essential to ensure comfort, safety, and well-being. High temperatures can pose risks, particularly for the elderly and those with chronic conditions. Home care professionals help manage hydration, ensure air conditioning is functioning, and monitor for heat-related illnesses like heatstroke. They can also assist with daily activities, reducing the risk of accidents due to heat-induced fatigue. Additionally, home care provides companionship, which can mitigate the isolation often felt during long summer days. Overall, professional care supports a healthier, safer, and more enjoyable summer season for vulnerable individuals.

Clean Up Your AIR!

You Are What You Breathe!
You breathe 2,000 gallons of air daily. According to the EPA, 68% of diseases are linked to indoor air pollution. Recent studies show improving air quality with air filter technology may reduce Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Protect yourself from indoor pollutants like allergens, asbestos, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, lead, mold, pesticides, radon, and wildfire smoke. Surgically Clean Air is trusted by the medical and dental industry, assisted living facilities and schools across North America . JADE™2.0, is now available for in-home use and features multi-stage filtration capturing over 99.9% of airborne particles. Visit for brochure and research links. John Petrunia | | 604.356.1024 Surgically Clean Air®.

7 Days of Self-Care

Self-care refers to any activity we do purposefully to take care of ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally. On July 24 each year, people celebrate Self-Care Day – but any time is a great time to start practicing self-care. Why not try seven days of self-care to create new, healthy habits? Day 1: Unplug from technology for the day. Day 2: Declutter your physical space and mind. Day 3: Nourish yourself with food, water, sleep, and exercise. Day 4: Create something with your hands. Day 5: Listen to your feelings. Day 6: Express yourself to others. Day 7: Explore something new!

10 Things that Happen When You Quit Smoking

According to, after only 8 hours of your last cigarette, the oxygen levels in your blood increase. After 12 hours, your carbon monoxide blood levels drop to normal. After 2 days of not smoking, you’ll have heightened senses of smell and taste. 3 days later, your bronchial tubes relax and breathing may feel less labored than before. During the first 9 months smoke free, your shortness of breath will improve, and the tiny cilia hairs in your lungs will regain function, allowing your body to clean your lungs. After 1 full year, your risk of heart disease is about half compared with a smoker. After 15 years of being smoke-free, your risk of a heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked.

The Healthy Book Club

The Harvard Medical School Guide to Men’s Health – distills 25 years of research on men’s health into a comprehensive resource. It covers diet, exercise, supplements, and diseases like prostate cancer. The guide also offers advice on alcohol consumption, stress control, and navigating the healthcare system, making it an essential reference for men’s health. Ask at your local bookstore.

June is Migraine Awareness Month

Migraines impact one billion people across the globe and is recognized as the #2 cause of disability worldwide. While a migraine is a headache, a headache isn’t always a migraine. Headaches cause pain in the neck, sinuses, face, and head. Migraines, however, cause debilitating pain, visual disturbances, or both. They can last for hours or days and are often chronic. Without relief, migraines can cause other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness and can also lead to depression. Some of the most common triggers include stress, bright lights, sleep changes, alcohol, foods such as aged cheeses, and changes in exercise habits. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice on prevention and treatment.

Wildfire Smoke Health Risks

Wildfire smoke, a blend of PM2.5 and gases like carbon monoxide, poses severe health risks in Western Canada. It obstructs oxygen intake, irritates the respiratory system, and triggers inflammation, manifesting in eye irritation, coughing, or headaches. While most symptoms are manageable, severe cases require medical attention, especially if experiencing breathlessness or chest pain. Smoke exposure heightens infection risks and even ear infections in children. Minimizing exposure is crucial. HEPA air filters like PureHEPA+ and sealed environments help indoors. While driving, maintain closed windows and recirculated air. During smoky periods, reduce exertion, exercise indoors, and stay hydrated. Prioritize health amidst wildfires. Source: use code CVWN24 or a 15% discount

Stoking Our Inner Warrior

An inner warrior is someone who has the strength to stand up for what they believe in and speak their truth. Someone who perseveres in the face of adversity and challenge and who acts with integrity despite their challenges. Someone who knows how to love fully and generously shares their love. One way to cultivate the presence of your inner warrior is to choose a role model who embodies the quality of bravery, inner strength and courage. Close your eyes and each day contemplate the quality of energy that attracts you to this person and know this energy lies within you to receive and use fully.

Aging At Home

Many seniors would prefer to stay at home than move into a senior care home, but there are some challenges to consider. Factors like finances, physical mobility, social network, health concerns, and safety in the home are all things to think about. If you decide to remain in your home, discuss your plans with your family or a trusted advisor. It’s important to prepare your home to ensure you can live comfortably and safely there, using various aids and tools to make things easier. In-home care can also provide much-needed day-to-day support, as well as transportation to appointments and gatherings.

Benefits of Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas are a type of sauna that use infrared heaters to emit infrared light experienced as radiant heat, which is absorbed by the surface of the skin. Here are some potential benefits associated with the use of infrared saunas: Detoxification, Relaxation and Stress Reduction, Pain Relief, Improved Circulation, Skin Health, Weight Loss. It’s important to note that while there is evidence supporting these benefits, scientific research is still ongoing to fully understand the extent and mechanisms of these effects. Individuals with certain health conditions should consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating infrared sauna sessions into their wellness routine.