Community News
Happy Holidays

Wishing you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with Joy, Health and Wellness. ~ Luci Richards

Elder Abuse is Real!

One of the most underreported crimes in Canada is elder abuse. As of 2016 over 700,000 reports of abuse were recorded. Some abuse is invisible like neglect, psychological abuse and abuse of finances. The people most vulnerable are those who live in social isolation or suffer serious health conditions. And when it comes to physical abuse, data from statistics Canada shows 60% of senior domestic violence victims are female. Warning signs for elder abuse include: Anxiety or fearfulness about someone the elderly individual should trust. Dehydration, poor nutrition, or poor hygiene. Speak to your loved ones about elder abuse and learn more about the resources available to help victims in your community.

Knee Replacements Outside of Hospitals

Total knee replacement is the most definitive treatment for advanced osteoarthritis. This procedure is typically done in a hospital setting, with 3-5 days of hospital stay. In recent years, it has become clear that healthy individuals can be discharged from the hospital on the day of their surgery, to safely and conveniently recover at home. Having surgery done at a medical centre provides a welcome alternative to hospitals. This can help reduce complications associated with hospitalization, and for many patients, the convenience and comfort of being at home with family is much preferred over the rustle and bustle of a busy surgical ward.

Setting Healthy Boundaries at Work

Occupational burnout has been defined as a recognizable syndrome by the World Health Organization. Burnout results in physical and mental fatigue, poor productivity and overall health. Employers and employees need to set healthy boundaries to create healthy, high performing workplaces. Here are some great ways to prevent burnout: Nourish a safe culture making it ok to admit if the workload is too high. Compromise and negotiate workload. Delegate. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Create a ‘not-to-do’ list. Take breaks. Practice mindfulness. Practice saying no. Offer flexibility or telecommuting options Find more workplace wellness tips at

Want to be Financially Independent?

Here are some tips to help you become financially independent: 1) Spend less than you earn. 2) Have a plan and stick to it. 3) Buy a house and pay off the mortgage as soon as you can. 4) Get rid of any credit card or consumer loan debt. 5) Set up pre-authorized transfers to move 10% of your monthly income into savings. 6) Work with an advisor to choose an investment plan that works for your goals. 7) Don’t put all of your money into one investment option. 8) Save and invest any extra income (bonuses, etc.).

Let Kids Play

There are more and more references to the term ‘Free Play’ on social media, in newspapers and magazines. Play is important and is the work our children and youth need to do. In our structured and scheduled world, the need of free play for children is increasingly important. Free play is play that is unstructured, organized without adult involvement, and electronics-free, which gives children and youth the opportunity to develop their creativity, imagination and confidence. In addition to these benefits, young people will develop their motor, social, problem-solving and decision-making skills. Our young people need this opportunity to develop!

Time for Hand Rejuvenation?

Do your hands look older than you feel? Sunspots, crepey skin, unsightly veins and tendons can all make your hands look ancient. A combination of lasers and injectable dermal fillers can rejuvenate your hands by quickly restoring them to a more youthful appearance. Lasers erase sun damage to return a smooth and even appearance to hands. Dermal fillers give back the tissue volume that hands lose over time, allowing them to have a full and elegant profile. Don’t hide your hands any longer; consider seeking hand rejuvenation treatment to take years off the appearance of your hands. Great skin at any age – Let us show you how!

What is Vital Longevity?

Vital longevity is a strategy to extend lifespan while preserving function, or healthspan. As a result, patients find themselves enjoying more “good” years and delaying age-related frailty so they can continue to be active and engaged. Lifestyle medicine plays a key role in vital longevity by using evidence gathered from studying centenarians (people who live to be over 100) and applying the findings to everyday behaviours. Vital longevity also takes into account individual risk factors and supports patients in adopting proven strategies to live a healthy lifestyle now, so they can avoid many age-related diseases in the future.

Book Club

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. by Angela Duckworth. In this must-read book for anyone striving to succeed, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows parents, educators, students, and business people, that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a focused persistence called “grit.” Winningly personal, insightful, and even life-changing, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that—not talent or luck—makes all the difference.

Setting Healthy Boundaries at Work

Occupational burnout has been defined as a recognizable syndrome by the World Health Organization. Burnout results in physical and mental fatigue, poor productivity and overall health. Employers and employees need to set healthy boundaries to create healthy, high performing workplaces. Here are some great ways to prevent burnout: Nourish a safe culture making it ok to admit if the workload is too high. Compromise and negotiate workload. Delegate. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Create a ‘not-to-do’ list. Take breaks. Practice mindfulness. Practice saying no. Offer flexibility or telecommuting options Find more workplace wellness tips at