Community News
Choosing the Right Sunscreen

Sunscreen is one of the most important daily steps you can take to protect the health and beauty of your skin, and there are two main types. Physical sunscreens contain the natural minerals zinc oxide and titanium dioxide to create a barrier between your skin and the sun. These products don’t absorb into the skin and are ideal for children and those with sensitive skin. Chemical sunscreens contain ingredients such as Avobenzone and Octinoxate that are absorbed by the skin and create a chemical reaction to change UV rays into heat that is then released from the skin. Chemical sunscreens are safe for most people who don’t have sensitivities. Choose a high-quality product with an SPF of at least 30 and use it daily, including on cloudy days, to lower your risk of skin cancer and help prevent wrinkles. Great skin at any age – Let us show you how!

Chiropractic Care is Simple

Modern life is filled with opportunities that cause misalignment in the joints of the spine. Sitting, bending, lifting, trauma, and poor posture while using computers and mobile phones can all cause strain on the neck and back. This strain can damage the soft tissues of the spine, including the delicate nervous system that is housed within. So, what happens when your spine becomes misaligned? Neck pain, back pain, headaches, sciatica, and more. But sometimes pain doesn’t occur until the damage accumulates. Chiropractic can help to gently re-align, reduce strain, and restore function to this delicate spinal system. When was the last time you had your spine examined by a doctor of chiropractic?

What is Lifestyle Medicine?

Processed food, sedentary lives, lack of sleep, unceasing stress, dissolving relationships, and collapse of purpose take a massive toll on our health and enjoyment from life. Most healthcare costs are linked to lifestyle-related diseases and nearly all top causes of death are due to chronic conditions. Lifestyle medicine combines an acknowledgment of these facts with evidence that lifestyle interventions such as nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress reduction, and smoking cessation can prevent, manage, and reverse disease. Using evidence-based medical assessments and leveraging personal health coaching, lifestyle medicine can help people take control of their health and optimize long-term vitality.

Sitting is the new smoking!

Statistically, 70 percent of jobs are sitting based today. We sit when we work, when we eat, when driving, when we’re on our devices and when we watch TV. Unfortunately, it’s everywhere and we can’t really avoid it. Chiropractors have a specific interest in sitting because it can slowly damage the spine and surrounding soft tissues, eventually leading to neck and back pain. The posture of sitting changes the normal curvature of the spine so that our head is pushed forward and our low back curve flattens out. The lack of movement and change of posture strains and eventually damages soft tissues. Ask your Chiropractor how you can address pain and prevent possible damage to your spine!

Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain

When determining how to treat back and pelvic pain, many health professions focus on what hurts, rather than on why it hurts. Physiotherapists often look at back and pelvic pain in terms of how those regions function to gain a better understanding of the causes behind pain in those areas. The team at Diane Lee & Associates uses a novel approach that combines manual therapy and dry needling to release tight muscles and stiff joints followed by motor learning, using real-time ultrasound for biofeedback, and movement training. This combined whole body approach teaches the patient how to use their body in a more efficient way to avoid problematic habits in the future.

Don’t Suffer with Anxiety

Anxiety…it’s that pit in your stomach, heart pounding, and feeling that something terrible could happen. For some of us, this becomes a daily struggle. Anxiety Canada reports that about 1 in 8 people in B.C. are experiencing significant anxiety. It’s also the reason most often cited for seeking counseling in many practices. Anxiety may be related to genetics, stress, and/or traumatic events. Anxiety is treatable and often clients experience significant relief with the right support. Along with addressing specific stressors, there are tools and strategies that work very well for reducing symptoms. Peace of mind is possible. Call us today.

Knee Replacements Outside of Hospitals

Total knee replacement is the most definitive treatment for advanced osteoarthritis. This procedure is typically done in a hospital setting, with 3-5 days of hospital stay. In recent years, it has become clear that healthy individuals can be discharged from the hospital on the day of their surgery, to safely and conveniently recover at home. Having surgery done at a medical centre provides a welcome alternative to hospitals. This can help reduce complications associated with hospitalization, and for many patients, the convenience and comfort of being at home with family is much preferred over the rustle and bustle of a busy surgical ward.

Summer Brain Care

It’s hard to focus on serious things like learning and exercising your brain when there’s so much summer fun to be had, but it’s important for students with learning difficulties to keep up with training their brain. This can be done by participating in many fun, yet important, activities, such as playing board games, building things with Lego, socializing, and taking on new challenges that are just above a student’s capacity. Focusing on wellness can also keep the brain healthy, so exercising, getting enough sleep, finding quiet time, eating healthy foods, and drinking enough water are equally important.

Treating Signs of Aging Skin

Skin ages and becomes loose and less elastic as we grow older due to a reduction in fibroblast cells, which build the collagen proteins that keep our cells connected tightly. Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a safe and chemical-free way to trigger new collagen production. A hand-controlled device with tiny, shallow needles punctures the outer layer of the skin at 1000 times per second to create mild damage that will stimulate your body to produce new collagen and elastin. This process can be used all over the body, not just on the face, to treat wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, and more!

Should I Test My VO2Max?

VO2Max, or maximal oxygen uptake, is the measurement of the maximum amount of oxygen a person can utilize during intense exercise. It is a common measurement used to establish the aerobic endurance of an athlete prior to or during the course of training. When testing your VO2Max, you will learn your optimal training zones to better guide your workouts. With summer in full swing, many athletes are preparing for the fall race season. If you have ever thought about having your VO2Max tested, now is the time to get your numbers in order to fine-tune your training.

What’s the Gender Tax?

Have you ever stood in front of a store display of razors and wondered why the ones for women cost more than the ones for men? This is just one example of the “gender tax”, which refers to the fact that women seem to have to pay more for certain items and services than men do. Women also tend to live longer than men, meaning their money must stretch farther. This is why it’s so important for women to make sound financial decisions. A knowledgeable investment advisor can assist with planning, executing, and tracking any major financial decisions you make.