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Dental Care for Your Pet 

Does your pet need a dental procedure? Cleaning? Extractions?  Your pets’ yearly wellness exams usually include an examination of their teeth, mouths and gums. But it’s not surprising that many of us don’t think too much about periodontal disease in our pets…at least not until something starts to look…or smell…bad! Often, there are no obvious signs, but just as with humans, our pets’ overall well-being is very dependent on the state of their teeth and gums. Infections, gingivitis, broken teeth and other mouth disease all can have very adverse effects on their systemic health, as well as being just as painful to them as it is for us. Your Veterinary family can help with tutorials on dental home care and prevention; treatment may include diet, oral rinses, special treats and brushing. In necessary cases, X-rays and dental procedures should be performed in clinic, under anesthesia.


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