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Did you know that aging changes our bodies and how medications work? Some areas of the body become more sensitive to certain medications or less susceptible to others that may result in symptoms that appear like new problems- often treated with new medications and reason for too many medications. In most cases additional medications are avoidable: fewer medications means more quality of life. Senior Care Practitioners are medical professionals, medication experts, and patient advocates with expertise and knowledge to identify these kinds of issues and suggest safe solutions. They advocate for patients at other health care providers and pursues desired outcomes. Experts in the area of geriatrics agree that seniors should be assessed and treated differently compared to other population groups and that not all health professionals are equally trained to identify how aging and medications affect seniors. Everyone agrees that optimal functionality and quality of life make older adults thrive and lower caregiver burden.

Mathilda Prinsloo BPharm CGP CDE, Senior Care Pharmacy Practice,

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