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Diet – a 4-Letter Word!

The human brain is an amazing and powerful tool. It has the capacity to heal, imagine, and reason. In fact, its main job is our survival. Given this fact, doesn’t it make sense that dieting, which is starving yourself a little, would go against the very nature of survival? Is it any wonder diets don’t work? Dieting also encourages us to eat the wrong foods and sometimes become addicted to them because our brain believes it is helping us. Our society has evolved, but a part of our brain hasn’t kept up. Add this to all of the unhealthy food choices we have available, and you can see a disaster in the making. The good news is the same brain will, with the right coaching, turn that around for you and make it all attainable. Connecting and coaching the subconscious mind is a natural alternative to pills, surgery, and diets.

Sherry Wilkinson

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