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Digestive Issues? Try Acupuncture!

The health of our digestive system may not be the top of mind, often, until it is no longer healthy and then it is the most important thing we deal with on a daily basis. Normal bowel movements occur every day or every other day. Acupuncture can relieve constipation or diarrhea. By assessing your digestion and water metabolism, we determine which organ(s) are out of balance. For constipation, points are chosen to stimulate the colon, strengthen the function of digestion, and bring moisture to the intestinal tract. Or if it is an excess type, points are chosen to reduce heat in the stomach and intestines, and promote the function of the Large intestine. For diarrhea, the points chosen will relieve bowel movements that occur more than once a day; with foul, smelly, burning stools or undigested food; alternating diarrhea and constipation; is worse after eating; occurs only in the morning.

Naomi Johnson R.Ac.,

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