Community News
Ditching Chemicals for a Healthy Home

Many homes are filled with chemicals that are quite harmful, even DANGEROUS to you, your family, and your pets. Scientists have now listed hundreds of these “hidden dangers” in household products. Some of these chemical ingredients are respiratory and skin irritants, or worse, and have been linked to neurotoxicity, reproductive disorders, and even CANCER! How are we supposed to clean our homes and protect our family from germs without these common products? It’s actually quite simple, we look to nature’s essential oils for the answers! For example, Clove & Cinnamon oil are POWERFUL anti-bacterial agents, Lavender is the ideal scent substitute for your laundry, and Tea Tree and Lemongrass essential oils work to purify the air.   Wouldn’t you agree it is time to ditch the harmful products and switch to healthy ones in your home?
Sylvia Provenski, Young Living Essential Oils

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