Community News
Double Your Donation Dollars

For more than 15 years, the Sundrops afterschool program has relied on an aging, 11-seat van to transport kids to and from community activities. The van can no longer accommodate the growing number of children served as well as wheelchair access required. Variety, the Children’s Charity has agreed to cover half the cost of a new, 24-passenger bus equipped with TWO wheelchair lifts! This new bus allows more children and their program facilitators to maintain physical distancing, and will mean that no child is left behind and no activity is off limits. Ford Island Superstore has agreed to match community donations up to $10,000 to help raise the other 50% for the new bus! You can help to Kick Start the Bus with this incredible opportunity to double your donation and double your impact! Every dollar you donate will directly touch the life of a child by providing barrier-free access to community activities.

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