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Eating for Recovery

An often overlooked area when dealing with the injured athlete is what to eat throughout the rehabilitation period. Many patients commonly ask “are there foods that can help decrease inflammation and even possibly increase inflammation?” Surprisingly, the answer is YES! During the early stages of an injury (inflammatory phase) try 3-9 grams of fish oil, nuts, avocado or flax seed oil. Other foods that can help with inflammation are turmeric (1 tsp. 3x/day), garlic (2-4 cloves) or pineapple (1 cup). Other micronutrients that can help speed healing are Vitamin A, B, C, D as well as Calcium, Copper and Zinc to name a few. On the contrary, certain foods have an ability to increase or promote inflammation, such as vegetable oils, soybean, safflower oil and most processed foods. And remember, just because you’re laid up in bed with an injury that keeps you away from you’re activity, don’t forget to eat; Resting Metabolic Rate can increase between 15-50% during the recovery of an injury!

Jason Moniz, South Sherbrook Therapy

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