Community News
Eliminate Chronic Health Conditions

Most people believe that developing diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s or any chronic health condition is just something that happens because of bad luck or poor familial genetics. This mindset is keeping those people trapped in a mentality that they have no control over their health. The human body is not designed to be sick. Consuming the wrong types of foods has led us down a path of declining health. Mankind was a hunter gatherer for the last few million years and only started consuming grains some 10,000 years ago. The human body has not adapted to thrive on the consumption of grains. The addition of sugars and bad oils in the last 100 years has made the problem worse. Consuming a diet closer to that of our ancient ancestors will allow a body to heal to the extent that it can, and likely prevent future health issues. The human body is a self-healing organism. Give your body the nutrients it needs, and get out of the way.

Tom White,

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