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Eliminating Fears and Phobias With Ease

Have you ever gotten frustrated by your own or someone else’s fears or phobias and suggested “just get over it?”  Most people think fears can be overcome using “mind over matter,” but because the fear response is controlled by the unconscious mind, mental intention rarely works. Meanwhile, most people who suffer with these issues get so used to adapting to them, they don’t realize how they hold themselves back from really living, or how simply fears can be overcome. Twenty two years ago, I learned the powerful self-care method of Emotional Freedom Technique (aka EFT or Tapping). Since then I have taught EFT to hundreds of people in groups and in my private practice. I regularly receive gratitude for how their lives have changed using EFT to eliminate various fears and phobias including: spiders, snakes, heights, flying, public speaking, exams and riding in elevators. You can too!

Karen Ledger, RN BScN,

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