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Embrace Your Body Intelligence

The same intelligence that grew you in embryo is still present within your body, with an innate drive towards health. It expresses as rhythmic motions in the fibres, fluids, and energy fields of your living anatomy. How can you tap into this? A Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (RCST®) gently holding your fully clothed body can help you tune in! This facilitates a natural slowing down. In response, tissues rehydrate and soften, fibres lengthen, and pulls dissipate to allow spontaneous realignment. This letting go of old holding patterns, and natural dropping into deeper states of relaxation, brings a sense of expansion: in breath, mind, and the physical body – while the nervous system totally slows down. Organs, glands, vascular, lymphatic, digestive, and other systems function more optimally, supporting essential flow of biochemical and neurological information. In this state, your health is expressing more fully, and most symptoms, including chronic pain, can dramatically lessen – and eventually dissipate.

Christina Nienaber-Roberts, MSc, NHPC, RCST®, CYT,

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