Community News
Extreme Heat Caution

The possibility of extreme heat is now looking like more of a reality for the summer ahead in BC. When temperatures rise, please be sure to check in on your elderly neighbors, friends, and relatives, especially those
• who live alone
• with chronic health conditions (e.g., heart disease, chronic respiratory illness, diabetes, mental illness, substance use disorders)
• with limited mobility
• without air conditioning
• those who live in a home exposed to direct sunlight. If you or someone you know lives in a home where the temperatures will reach 30 degrees Celsius or higher, plan to go elsewhere during a heat emergency. If you are remaining in your home, please evaluate your home’s cool zones, choose one and plan to remain in that area of the home as much as possible. If possible to do safely, putting a barrier, such as cardboard on the outside of a window will help deflect the sun from hitting the window. Close your blinds and windows during the hottest parts of the day and, if the temperature drops significantly at night, open windows to allow some fresh, cool air circulation. Having a fan near a window overnight will help bring in cool air. In the event of extreme temperatures, cooling centers will be operated, and their locations will be well publicized. Please assist your senior friends, neighbors, and relatives to access cooling centers. Libraries, community centers, shopping malls, movie theaters, and shaded parks will all provide cooling assistance as well. Plan in advance where you may go in the event of extreme heat.

Identify an extreme heat buddy! If you live alone, or with someone who is vulnerable, have a buddy who will check in on you daily. Ideally, your buddy should be someone who can assist you in getting to and from a cooling location. Please call CV Senior Support at 250-871-5940 if assistance is needed.

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