Community News
Fall Is a Great Time to Retreat

Fall’s a season of relaxation and change, the leaves turn red and the rhythm of nature slows down. It’s a time of preparation for winter. As humans, the rhythm of our bodies coincides with the one of nature, following its grooves throughout the year. Like a bear in its den, we must prepare ourselves for upcoming changes. A proven way to emerge your body into its natural flow is nourishing it according to seasons. Applying techniques such as yoga and meditation eases the mind and soul during this transition. An easy way to begin this life giving process is to take part in a retreat hosted by your local holistic practitioner. The practitioner will teach you methods to nurture your mind, body, and soul so that you are attuned to and flowing alongside nature. Fall’s a sloped season of transition for all living beings. Allow your soul to be nourished at a retreat near you.

Celine Sartoris,

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