Community News
Feeling Dizzy?

Dizziness and vertigo are often related but distinct sensations. Dizziness encompasses feelings of light-headedness and imbalance while vertigo involves a false sensation of movement, typically spinning or tilting. Various causes include inner ear disorders, vestibular migraines, Meniere’s disease, or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Treatment depends on the underlying cause. For BPPV, specific head maneuvers like the Epley maneuver can reposition displaced inner ear crystals. Medications, vestibular rehabilitation therapy, dietary changes, or surgery may be recommended based on diagnosis. LifeSmart Medical Osborne is happy to welcome Dr. Aidin Shariatzadeh, CSCN (EEG) to the team. Dr. Shariatzadeh is a Neurologist with a stroke fellowship. If you are feeling dizzy, ask your family physician about seeing a Neurologist. Our LifeSmart Medical Osborne location is accepting Neurology patients.

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