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Fight or Flight vs. Rest and Digest

Did you know the body’s nervous system only has two modes of functioning? Either you are in a sympathetic mode which is the flight/fight mode. What most people do not realize that when one is in this mode – one is not resting, digesting nor healing. Having a huge “To Do” list creates people to be in this mode. Thus, your aches and pains are more prevalent, and you may eat more because you are not ingesting the nutrients from the food you are ingesting. One’s goal is to get the body and the mind into the Parasympathetic mode in which you are healing, digesting and the body is able to rest and recuperate from stressors more easily. Anything to get you out of your mind and into your awareness of your being and your body will quickly bring you into this mode. Try a yoga class, a Reiki treatment, meditation, or Access Bars session.

Robin Chant, Inspire You Studio,

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