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Financial Wellness Tips

Pay bills on time and balance your chequebook each month. Know what you currently have to spend so you know what you can afford to spend. • Stop buying on impulse. Instead of using a credit card, save money for something you want. • Always pay more than your minimum balance on credit cards. Get rid of them as soon as possible. You will save money on interest and have more to save for the future. • Always include some savings in your budget. Too many of us are unable to identify our needs after retirement and don’t save. This results in financial difficulty during our declining years. • Find out what you don’t know about finances—and learn it. There is plenty of available information on financial management. • Be careful with the media pull for spending and don’t be drawn into the hype. Be a savvy shopper and saver to avoid overspending and debt.

Brian Denysuik, President & CEO,

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