Community News
Find Your Path

Unlike a maze, which has dead ends and wrong turns, a labyrinth has a single, winding path from the outside to the centre. It has many twists and turns but you can’t get lost. There are no mistakes, no wrong turns. If you stay on the path you’ll eventually arrive at the centre. The labyrinth is often seen as a metaphor for our “life journey.” In other words, life is really about putting one foot in front of the other, and we always have the opportunity to make another choice in life, or another turn in the labyrinth. Labyrinths have been in existence for centuries and today they’re experiencing a renaissance. They’re being built at universities, hospitals, churches, community parks, and in people’s yards. People around the world are exploring labyrinths as a healing tool. To walk a labyrinth is to explore your connection with Mother Nature, with the Universe, and with your Self.

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