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Floating to Aid Learning

The benefits of floatation therapy are numerous. Perhaps the most universally appealing is floating’s inclination to enhance creativity, learning, and memory. These days, it’s practically common knowledge that taking a break can boost our creativity and problem solving. It’s not just anecdotal: research backs up these kinds of experiences. In a study at Texas A&M University, Dr. Thomas Taylor selected 40 well-matched subjects and split them into two groups. Both groups underwent a series of learning sessions using audiotapes. One group listened to the tapes while sitting on sofas in quiet, darkened rooms. The other group listened while floating in floatation cabins. The groups were tested on three levels of performance: basic memorization, the ability to understand a concept, and synthesis thinking. Results showed that floaters did much better than the control group did! Floating is the ultimate “recharge mode” for your brain!

Fluid Float,

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