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Foods for a Healthy Gut

Our bodies rely on microbiota (bacteria living in our colon) to maintain healthy digestion. There are many recipes available to help you increase your intake of fruits and veggies. Here are some foods that can help build and maintain your digestive system: 1. Artichokes – High in inulin fiber, healthy prebiotic potential. 2. Bananas – Restore health of the bacterial community, may reduce inflammation 3. Blueberries – Can modify microbiota to enhance immune function 4. Cruciferous vegetables – Contain sulfur-containing metabolites, which are broken down by microbes to release substances that reduce inflammation and lessen the risk of cancer. 5. Beans – Releases short-chain fatty acids strengthening your intestine cells, and improves absorption of micronutrients. 6. Polenta – High-fiber, corn-based complex carbohydrate has a fermentable component. Inject your gut with healthy live micro-organisms that crowd out unhealthy bacteria, and improve the absorption of minerals!

Trenna Reid, RCRT, Discover Reflexology,

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