Community News
Gambling and Balance

Have you ever wondered if your gambling habits are in balance with other areas of your life? Problem gambling can harm a person’s relationships, employment status, education, and finances. It can also affect one’s physical and mental health. Here are some questions you can answer to do a self-assessment. Do you feel annoyed by criticisms of your gambling?  Do you feel guilty about your gambling?  Do you borrow money to gamble?  Do you gamble more than you intend to?  Do you often gamble until all your money is gone?  Do you lie or hide evidence about your gambling? Do you gamble to pay debt or solve financial difficulties?  Do you feel anxious, hopeless, depressed or suicidal about your gambling? If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, you may have a problem with gambling. You are not alone. Reach out for help. That’s what we’re here for!

Karen Hlady, Community Engagement & Prevention Service Provider, Gambling Awareness Program

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