Community News
Game, Set, & TENNIS ELBOW!

Spring has arrived and people are heading outside to play the sports they’ve missed throughout the winter, including tennis and golf. It’s easy to spend hours playing these sports. Sometimes we tend to overdo it, and the repetitive stress on the body can cause aches and pains. One common area where one might experience problems is the elbow. Both golf and tennis put stress on your forearm extensor and flexor muscles. It is important to pay attention to the SHARP signs of inflammation (swelling, heat, altered function, redness, and pain). The best ways to treat these conditions include rest, stretches, massage, and ice. Giving the affected area enough time to go through the inflammatory process will allow it to heal. Eccentric exercise can then be added to strengthen the muscles. Another option is putting an elbow strap on the muscle belly to alter where the repetitive stress is pulling.

Heath Vermette, CAT(C),

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