Community News
Going Bananas

Have you ever had someone tell you to eat bananas for potassium to help with leg cramps? Bananas give potassium its fame. However, there are many foods that can provide you with potassium and most likely you aren’t getting enough. Try adding the following to your diet: potatoes, squash, leafy greens, apricots, and salmon. This isn’t an exhaustive list, so continue to explore more options. This mineral is more impacting on our health than one might expect. It’s an electrolyte vital for cell and blood vessel health, as well as bone health. Potassium works together with sodium and magnesium. It’s mostly absorbed through the small intestine and, therefore, those with Crohn’s or IBD, may not absorb potassium into the body as needed. Your physician may recommend a supplement. Consult your doctor before starting a supplement to make sure it does not interfere with any current medications you are already taking.
Trenna Reid, RCRT,

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