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Got Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain is very common and can be caused by injury, repetitive motion, poor posture or underlying health problems. The shoulder joint has more mobility than stability which makes it more susceptible to dysfunction and pain.
Conditions related to shoulder pain are frozen shoulder, rotator cuff disorders (strains, tears), bursitis, tendonitis, joint instability and acromioclavicular joint disorders. Most shoulder injuries are 40-50% pain persistent for many months after the initial injury.
Treatment with Regenerative Injection Therapy (RIT) also known as Prolotherapy, Plasma Rich Platelet and Prolozone will encourage new cell growth to damaged and weak tissue. It is also recommended that RIT be integrated with Osteopathic manual therapy and Neurofunctional acupuncture to re-establish proper neuromuscular control.
Shoulder pain is the third most common, complex musculoskeletal complaint therefore an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan need to be established. Dr. Ross Ralph, Dr. TCM, R.Ac., DOMP., Courtenay Healing Centre,

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