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Heard of Keto?

Heard of Keto? The standard North American diet contains excessive amounts of protein and carbohydrates, neither of which is good for your health, because this eventually causes you to develop insulin and leptin resistance. As a result, you gain excess weight, develop inflammation, and become prone to cellular damage. A ketogenic (keto) diet is a dietary approach that focuses on minimal carbohydrates, moderate amounts of protein, and high healthy fat consumption — the three keys to achieving nutritional ketosis. There are many reasons why you should try a ketogenic diet. It can be very beneficial for people suffering from chronic conditions, or for people who would simply like to be healthier than their current state. You’ll be excited to know that a ketogenic diet can help with the following: weight loss, anti-inflammation, lowered risk of cancer, increased muscle mass, lowered insulin levels, and decreased appetite.

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