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Help Combat Osteoporosis with Exercise

Strengthening your bones is as important as strengthening your muscle. Exercise is essential to keeping your bones strong. It might seem like bone is solid, unchanging tissue, it constantly goes through remodeling, breaking down, as our body uses calcium, and building up. Once women hit menopause and estrogen levels plummet, the risk of osteoporosis skyrockets. That risk can be mitigated with calcium-rich foods and regular exercise. What is the best exercise for helping prevent osteoporosis? Exercises such as jogging or jumping rope force you to work against gravity and involve impact with the ground. We traditionally think of these high-impact activities as the best prevention against osteoporosis but strength training is also effective. Both activities put stress on the bone and create micro-trauma, which triggers bone remodeling and repair. Just as muscle gets stronger when it bears weight, so does bone. The Curves Circuit does double duty against osteoporosis because it includes both strength training exercises and cardio.

Curves International, 2016

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