Community News
How You Affect Others

In a world full of billions of people, it is easy to believe the only way to initiate change is to take extreme action. Yes, there are times when that is absolutely necessary, and yet each of us has the ability to change the world in our own small way every day. Everything we do affects people in our lives and in return ripples outwards. The impact we can have in our world – our smile, a compliment, a thoughtful gesture, our attitude, the power of our words, our willingness to show up – can touch the lives of everyone you come into contact with. Believing in your ability to spread goodness by your thoughts and actions is like throwing pebbles into calm waters…their impact is greater than you can ever imagine. Why not become a part of a tidal wave of loving kindness!

D’Arcy Bruning-Haid,D’Arcy Bruning-Haid

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