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Jealousy is a Gateway to Gratefulness

Nothing about jealousy feels comfortable or desirable. It touches that ugly aching knowing that life seems unfair in some way. When we become jealous of someone or something, it awakens the belief that we want something that we can’t have and there is not enough to go around. If we allow ourselves to go a little deeper, it also offers us important information about what our heart desires. When we are jealous, it awakens and brings into light what we want for ourselves. We can then start putting into action what we are wanting. There are times in life when jealousy is not able to be fully healed. Our lesson then is to accept and understand that our path is different from those around us. The best antidote for jealousy is gratefulness for life’s unforeseen gifts that enrich our lives with opportunities.

D’Arcy Bruning-Haid,

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