Community News
Join Our Spectacular Spelling Bee Fundraiser!

Call all word enthusiasts, language lovers and champions of compassion! Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable seniors in our community? Step up to the challenge and have fun while raising crucial funds to support those in need. The Comox Valley Senior Support Society (CVSS) is holding their Second Annual Adult Spelling Bee fundraiser. This is a fantastic, inclusive event, with all funds raised going to support programming for vulnerable seniors in our community. How you Can Participate: 1. Spelling Participant: Register for the spelling bee and have a fantastic time trying to spell words with your team. Lunch and refreshments provided, as well as incredible prizes for best and worst spelling teams! 2. Attend & Cheer: Don’t want to spell? No worries! You can still be a vital part of our event by joining us at the event to be a part of the excitement, cheer for spellers and learn more about the cause. Your presence makes a difference too!
3. Sponsor: Support our event by becoming a sponsor for the event. Not only will you be supporting a great cause, but all sponsors also receive a table at the event to play along. 4. Spread the Buzz: Share our event with family, friends, and colleagues. Encourage them to participate, donate, or sponsor the event. Together we can create a buzzing community of support! 5. Donate: Can’t attend? Donate to support the event. Mark your calendar and spread the word! Let’s create a heartwarming, impactful and unforgettable experience as we come together to have fun and spell our way toward a brighter future for vulnerable seniors. Let’s create a buzz that truly matters – a buzz of positive change! See you at the Spelling Bee. For information and tickets:
Or, to donate directly:
For any inquires, reach out to Christopher Bate, Executive Director, at

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