Community News
Know Your Ergonomics!

The equipment you use on a daily basis should adjust to you, not vice versa. Adjust the seat in your car. Make sure your hips are higher than your knees. Get your computer monitor off your desk. It needs to be placed higher because on the desk, it’s way too low. Get in the habit of standing, not reaching for the printer. You should also stand when you answer the telephone (otherwise know as that “5 lbs. file”). Standing desks are becoming popular. However if you stand at work all day, make sure to shift and move. It’s also important to get a box to put one foot up on. Repetitive strain injuries are mostly “habitual.” Equipment and tools are only as good as the user’s technique. Know your ergonomics at work, home, and play and enjoy a much healthier and happier life!

Chris Bisignano,

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