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Laughter Really is the Best Medicine!

Laughter does so much good for us but sometimes we realize we haven’t laughed in a long while. One way you can ensure your laughter quotient is topped up is through Laughter Yoga. Developed in India in 1995 by Dr. Madan and Mudhuri Kataria (a physician and a yoga teacher), Laughter Yoga quickly spread all over the world! What exactly is Laughter Yoga? It’s a unique exercise routine combining unconditional laughter with yogic breathing. Laughter Yoga teaches how to connect with our inner spirit of joy, allowing us to laugh anywhere, any time and for no reason at all! Laughter releases stress and increases endorphins! It’s clinically proven to reduce physical pain and boost the immune system. Laughter stimulates both hemispheres of the brain. It increases productivity and concentration. It’s also a fun cardio workout. Laughter helps us connect with feelings of joy and positivity.

Shari Dunnet, Light Body Healing Works

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