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Marijuana & Alzheimer Connection?

A recent study showed significantly lower levels of blood flow in the brain for marijuana users than nonusers. It was found that the right hippocampus was the most affected, damaging regions of the brain important for memory and learning. These are the same areas affected by Alzheimer’s. Often used for regulating relaxation and controlling excitability, marijuana is more than a “feel good” aid; it brings well documented beneficial calming effects to the whole system. All in good measure, however! When overused or abused, marijuana can lead to dependency and mess with your memory and emotions. There are other non-invasive strategies for those who seek that sweet spot. Brainwave Optimization helps the brain function better by relaxing its frequencies. Once the frequencies between the brain lobes are balanced and harmony is established so the back to front thought process flows, that inner potential in all of us has a chance to blossom.

Joanne Couture, RMFT, RSW, La Loba,

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