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Massage with Graston Technique

Graston Technique® (GT) is an innovative, evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (a variation of cross fibre friction massage) that enables clinicians to detect and effectively break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions, as well as maintain optimal range of motion. GT is clinically proven to achieve faster and better outcomes for acute and chronic conditions such as Achilles tendonitis, MCL/LCL sprains, AC sprains, edema reduction, thoracic outlet syndrome, scar tissue adhesions, carpal tunnel, adhesive capsulitis, IT band syndrome, lumbar strain, and plantar fasciitis. GT is designed to minimize discomfort; however, some post-treatment reactions, like reddening of the skin, superficial bruising, and some soreness, are normal. A typical treatment consists of:

1. Warm up of the treatment area,

2. Graston Technique instrument-assisted soft tissue manipulation,

3. Stretching,

4. Strengthening/rehabilitation exercise.

Willie Muller, RMT, Courtenay Massage Therapy,

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