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Meditation Made Easy

In our busy chaotic world, life seems to have an ever increasing hectic pace. You may be stressed from increased demands on your time and energy. This can leave you feeling frustrated, impatient and unhappy. Left unaddressed, over time it can wreck havoc with your health, your life and your joy. Meditation is a wonderful solution! It is often ignored, even ridiculed because many don’t understand it. Meditation is something that can be done anywhere, anytime. The key is learning a few basics and then building on them. Meditation can, in a matter of moments, support your transformation from hurried and disturbed to calm and understanding. There are many different styles and forms of Meditation. Explore what works for you to achieve inner peace and stillness. Want to experience more calm and a sense of inner control? You can start now by being aware of your breath’s movement.

Tammy Phye, R.A., EOT

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