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Micro-Current Facial Rejuvenation

The Micro-Current Facial is one of the latest procedures in antiaging protocols and is a non-invasive and comfortable alternative to facial surgery, botox, thermage, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and other anti-aging approaches that may be damaging to the skin. The micro-current facial can take 5-10 years off your face, with absolutely no risk or side effects and with rapid and lasting results! Micro-current facial rejuvenation has made a name for itself in a relatively short time. It has gained its rapid popularity due to its hassle-free, comfortable and non-invasive nature as well as excellent positive results and affordability. So, how does it work? A tiny electrical current is administered through two wands and applied to the facial muscles.The client may be aware of a gentle tingle. Micro-current stimulation work on reflexes found within each muscle which control length and tone. As the muscles worked on regain tone, so does the skin. This is achieved without any harm to the skin!

Cheryl Fedeluk, Current Expressions,

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