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Mindful Holiday Eating

It’s not the shortbread or chocolates that’ll get you. It’s what you THINK about the shortbread and chocolates that’ll do it every year. It’s the extreme all or nothing thinking, the good food/bad food mindset that’ll turn a couple cookies into ten. It sounds something like this: “get it while you can and lose it in January” or “I’m not gaining an ounce this year.” Mindful eating is the middle ground. Conscious eating decisions that leave you feeling better after eating, holidays or not. Less food provides more joy and satisfaction which lends itself well to savoring all the season has to offer. The basics to ask yourself this season before eating and drinking: 1. “Am I Hungry?” 2. “How Hungry Am I?” 3. “What do I REALLY want? 4. “How much will satisfy my hunger/craving while leaving me feeling peaceful? 5. “How do I want to feel in my body after I’m done eating?”

Lisa Kehler,

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