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Mindfulness: What is the Hype?

There has been a lot of hype around “mindfulness” these days. It has seemed to taken the world by storm, and it’s showing up in all kinds of forms; yoga, Ayurveda, meditation, chanting, gong baths, singing bowls, drumming, essential oils, and the list goes on. One might ask what does it do? To tell you the truth the benefits are numerous, and we’d have to write a book to capture it all. For the sake of space let us capture a few: relaxation, self exploration, being present, increased energy, releases of “unbalanced” energies, relieving illness such as anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress, and insomnia.   I’d have to say for me, the biggest benefit in my life has been that all of these practices of “mindfulness” bring me to a place of inner and outer peace. The only way you are going to know for sure if any of these benefits apply to your life is by experiencing it!

Carole Tetreault,

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