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Is There Mold in Your Laundry?

Have you ever stepped out of the shower, grabbed a freshly cleaned towel only to be overwhelmed by a stale odor that just doesn’t smell fresh? That odor you’re smelling in your towels and washing machine? It’s mold. Fabrics can sour if you leave them wet in the washing machine. Add to that, a buildup of fabric softener can cause towels to be horribly smelly. Fabric softener doesn’t allow the fibers to rinse cleanly, and that detergent and softener build up. Your skin is exceptionally permeable; it quickly absorbs outside substances directly into the bloodstream. Additionally, any time you smell this moldy odor, you’re also breathing it in. Mold toxicity can lead to a host of health issues. Don’t ignore the signs of an unhealthy laundry routine. There is an easy way to treat washing machine and laundry mold so that it’s eliminated for good. Detergents and hot water will not treat the problem, but pureWash Pro does, every time you wash.

Kevin Shale, Low Environmental Impact Technologies,

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