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More on Changing Habits

Starting the Change Process: Building on the 6 stages of changing habits (Pre-contemplation,Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance and Termination), it has been proven that without a plan or readiness, trying to change a habit is likely to fail. Motivation is key. You need compelling reasons why you want to change a habit. You must be aware of the pain associated with continuing on your current path, and the rewards of changing. “Should” is not compelling! To increase motivation, use others as inspiration. Model the behaviour of someone with the behaviour you want, or notice the ill effects of the habit you want to change. Talk about or journal in detail what you DON’T want to clarify your desire.  Include emotional elements; we all are attached to our habits. Next, detail what you DO want.  Then focus on inconsistencies between your current behaviour and your desired change. This will put you in touch with reality and increase your motivation!

Juhree Zimmerman R.N., B.Sc.N., M.Ed., C.P.C.C., O.R.S.C.C., Master Certified Coach,

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