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Natural Nutrition

One of the most crucial problems of modern civilization is malnutrition. Whether we consider malnutrition due to poverty and shortage of food as encountered in third world countries, or witness dietary abuse problems common to the rest of the world, we find enormous suffering caused by the way we feed ourselves. We are dying of malnutrition. It takes courage to face the fact that through ignorance and lack of interest in the needs of our own bodies, we are slowly bringing ourselves to the point of extinction. Fortunately, there is hope. Our modern society is awakening to a new and vital interest in nutrition. This curiosity is not aimed at the traditional dietetic and scientific field. Rather, it involves an emerging sphere of nutrition that encompasses not only the characteristics of food, but also explores the quality of the food source and holism of the consumer. This new area is called “natural nutrition.”

Danielle Perrault, R.H.N., Founding Director, Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, see full article at

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