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Nature’s Defense: Using Essential Oils During Flu Season

Nature’s Defense: Using Essential Oils During Flu Season

As winter approaches we all gather indoors which makes it easier for germs to be spread from person to person. Rather than waiting until I have the flu or a cold and then treating the symptoms I prefer to support my body’s natural defences to reduce the chance of getting sick. In addition to staying hydrated, getting a good sleep, eating well and exercising, I also use some natural flu remedies such as essential oils to boost my immune system, and if I do get sick, to speed my recovery and decrease my symptoms. Modern medicine should not be discounted, but I like to integrate more natural remedies with modern medicine when I can.

It is a common misconception that antibiotics will cure all. Antibiotics don’t work against infections caused by viruses. Influenza or what we commonly call “the flu” is a virus and not bacterial so antibiotics won’t work to get rid of it. In my experience when I have gone to the clinic to get relief from my flu symptoms the doctor has sent me home saying I have influenza and there isn’t anything to do but get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids.

So what are some ways we can support our health NATURALLY to help us through this flu season, or to relieve the symptoms if we get the flu?

There are many naturally occurring essential oils derived from plants such as Clove, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon Bark/leaf, Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint and Thyme that have the ability to fight unwanted germs.

There is a story about four thieves or grave robbers who lived in Europe around the 15th century when the bubonic plague was at its worst. They would rob the bodies of all their possessions, yet never contracted this deadly illness!

It was said that when they were finally caught the magistrate offered them a deal. If they shared their secret he would give them a reduced sentence. They took the deal and explained that through their knowledge of herbal medicine and essential oils they were able to create a powerful combination that was highly effective in preventing them from becoming ill. The herbs they were said to have used were: Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary.

I like to make my own immune support blend using the same oils to what the thieves used, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary as well as Lemon and Oregano. Lemon is a great supporter of the immune system and Oregano has natural anti-viral properties, which is important when faced with viral infections like the flu.

Please note that some oils like clove and cinnamon are considered ‘hot’ oils. Using them without a carrier oil like coconut oil or olive, or almond oil may cause a slight burning sensation and rash. When using hot oils on the skin, always test a small area on your arm first. Be sure to dilute the essential oil with carrier oil. If you have no reaction within 30 minutes you can apply to other areas of the body.

So what to do if the dreaded ‘bug’ has already hit your house?

I recommend diffusing the oils mentioned above. You can diffuse a combination of oils or one at a time, just add a few drops of your favourite essential oil in an average size diffuser for a small room and up to 10 drops for a larger room.

I like to apply my essential oils immediately when I feel something coming on. It typically starts in my throat. So I rub the immune support blend around my neck (heavily diluted) before I go to bed and often I wake up feeling great with no more sore throat! I also like to supplement this by applying Oregano (diluted) to the soles of my feet, especially when I’m already sick. At night, just before bed, I rub the oil on the soles my feet and then put socks over top.

The key to success with oils is ‘early and often’. It takes very little time for oils to move through every cell in the body, so if you are determined to rid your body of a bug, apply oils topically several times per day until the illness passes.

To help tackle specific symptoms here are a few other ideas for some natural alternatives:

Feeling Hot?

For older children (10+) and adults, apply oils like Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint (diluted with a carrier oil) to back of the neck and feet every 10-20 minutes for a cooling sensation until you feel better.

* Be very careful that you do not get any Peppermint in your eyes. If you do get it in your eyes dilute it with a drop of carrier oil.

Vegetable oils will dilute essential oils if the essential oil causes discomfort or irritation.

Stuffy Nose?

For older children/adults

Essential Oils: 5 drops Lavender, 3 drops Lemon, 2 drops Peppermint, 2 drops Myrtle and 2 drops Pine. Add these to 2 Tablespoons or 30 ml of carrier oil and put into an empty roller-ball bottle to rub on outside of nostrils throughout the day. *Do not apply the oils close to your eyes.

Need a quick fix? Put 2-3 drops of your chosen oil in the palm of your hands, rub them together, cup your hands over your nose and inhale deeply. You can easily repeat this throughout the day.



DIY Chest Rub

5 TB coconut oil

2 TB shea butter

1 1/2 TB beeswax pellets (or grated from a bar)

30 drops Eucalyptus. I like to use either Radiata or Globulus. NOTE: for children use Eucalyptus Radiata or Citriodora)

10 drops each of Lavender, Peppermint and Rosemary.

5   drops Tea Tree,


For older children and adults:

Mix coconut oil and shea butter and beeswax in double boiler or in a glass measuring cup placed in boiled water. Stir until melted. Remove from heat, let sit 3-5 min to cool slightly and then add the essential oils. Mix and pour into a small glass Mason jar with lid. Store in a cool dark place.This recipe will make one 4 oz. jar.

When needed, I apply the mix to the chest and back. Then place a hot, wet cloth over top with a dry towel over top that. Let it sit for 20 min. Do this twice per day, especially before bed, for respiratory support and to relieve a cough.

Don’t have a diffuser? You can easily make a small diffuser with a cup of boiling water and a couple of drops of essential oil!

Always follow the recommended amount on the bottle and always keep oils out of the reach of small children.

For more DIY essential oil recipes and information on using essential oils with children under 2 years go to my website:

Sylvia Provenski


Young Living Member #1740823

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