Community News
A New Twist on the 100 Mile Diet

On average, food items travel 1500 miles (2414 kilometers) before arriving at the table. Typically, the average 400 calories breakfast consumes 2800 calories of fossil fuel energy. Most people have heard of the 100-mile diet and the many benefits of this philosophy. If you adhere to this 100 mile carbon footprint you will benefit from: fresher food that is not shipped from long distances, minimal or zero preservatives, supporting the local economy with money that cycles directly back into your community, and ultimately a healthier consumer and community! This same philosophy can be applied when purchasing your pet food. Why wouldn’t you want to promote such positive outcomes concerning your pet, as well? Take a moment to think about this the next time you are going down the aisles selecting a name brand for your pet’s nutrition. Think about purchasing a local holistic product that has far-reaching benefits!
Barbara Guidetti,

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