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How Did Your New Year’s Resolution Fare?

A lifestyle change requires notable results to motivate you to continue. Trying to improve a chronic health issue, or just lose weight? Adopting a diet your body genetically expects is the best way to heal. Problems with autoimmune or inflammatory conditions, diabetes, gut, cancer, skin, sleep, mind/brain and allergies respond to a corrected diet. Of course, there are issues with over/under exercising, toxins, stress, and genetics, but food is the major determinant in health. Don’t ever accept the phrase “but (health issue) runs in your family, there is nothing you can do about it.” Make this the year that your New Year’s resolution turns into a permanent life changing event. Enlist the services of a Primal Health Coach to educate you of a sustainable path to health restoration. Turn off the chaos inside your body and THRIVE.

Tom White, www.becomeHEALTHY. ca,

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