Community News
Newest Way To Lose Fat

Zen Bodi™ created a product that will melt the fat away. Dr. V. Giampapa took 2 years to develop his formulation. Fat cells produce a vital messenger called Leptin.

Leptin is the most powerful hormone that communicates to the brain that it no longer craves food, and tells the body when to start burning fat cells as energy. However, the problem starts when the fat cells begin releasing an inflammatory molecule called C Reactive Protein (CRP). CRP fuses to the Leptin molecules and blocks the brain messenger so that it tells the body its full. The metabolism is no longer balanced and the body goes into chaos.

Zen Shape, Zen Fit, and Zen Pro work together to promote fat loss, control appetite and hunger, burn body fat, build healthy muscle, support healthy cholesterol levels, promote healthy intestinal function and support a healthy immune system. Make this the year you take control of your weight loss by losing the fat, keeping it off and still maintain the muscle.


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