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Nutrition and the Eyes

Diet and nutrition play an important role in the overall health of the eyes, and may help prevent Macular Degeneration and Dry Eye Syndrome. Omega-3’s, which can be found naturally through fish, flaxseed and walnuts, are one the most popular supplements to take today, and for good reason. Omega-3’s help in an anti-inflammatory role, which supports good heart health. Studies have also shown it may help in Dry Eye Syndrome. Things to consider in purchasing omega-3’s are purity, potency (EPA and DHA) and freshness. Vitamin A, C, E have benefits such as protecting the cornea, preventing dry eyes, night blindness and cataracts, while Lutein and Zeaxanthin help protect the eyes against harmful blue light. Today we have a supplement, AREDS 2, which combines all of these together along with omega-3 and zinc, to help protect the eyes against Macular Degeneration. Ask your optometrist about AREDS 2 supplements and if it’s right for you.

Dr. Nicholas Catchuk,

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