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Orthotics & Summer Footwear

More and more people rely on custom foot orthotics to treat biomechanical issues related to the feet, whether it be plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, arthritic knees or low back pain, just to name a few. Now that summer has finally arrived, the question most orthotic wearers ask is what to do when it’s sandal weather. When orthotics are needed to correct altered foot mechanics it is important to wear them during all weight bearing activities.Fortunately many shoe manufacturers recognize the increasing need for sandals that accommodate custom orthotics. These sandals have removable foot beds that can be taken out to make room for your orthotics. If you recently purchased sandals but your orthotics don’t fit into them properly, very often a simple low-cost adjustment will solve the problem. Sandals don’t provide the same support as a closed-in shoe but can allow pleasant relief from the heat even for orthotic wearers.

Bryan Mitchell, B.D.

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