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Why People Do Not Get Well

Take your health into your own hands! The power of positivity can help you achieve health and prosperity in 2017 and beyond! Here are some reasons why I believe people are struggling to get better. Your MINDSET has everything to do with the ability your body has to heal itself. Stop these thinking negative patterns: “There is nothing I can do about my health,” “I am aging, and disease is normal,” “I have been convinced by someone of authority that this is normal.” “I believe my problem cannot be fixed.” “I like being sick – Brings lots of attention!” “I have not learned to love or forgive.” All of this fear and anger is feeding your illness – Let go of negative emotions! If you find yourself relating to one of the thoughts above and are not willing to change, reclaiming your health is much more challenging. Your mind is the most powerful tool. Use it to reach your health and wellness goals this year!

Louis Hoolaeff HR, HC, ACS,

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